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To view season events click the image associated with the text.

Season 1

During the 2014 alot of critical moments took place in the SWF. Moments that would define legends, Create rebellious characters and form allegiances. With Superstars like Savior and the Dark Patriot holding a strong portion of  the controversy. The 2014 season would not be the same without them.

Season 2

With 2015 being a year of ups and downs for many superstars one thing is fairly certain for most ... Glory. All the SWF superstars are all in search of glory and with the addition of the NGW Roster after Wrestlekingdom 2, the new guys are keeping the originals in check.

Season 3


After an amazing comeback in 2015, The SWF Brand as a whole now asks it self what can we do now? Both the NGW and SWF Brands seperately brought in amazing matches and amazing talents. But with the new year in full swing, who will shine above the rest and make it the year that nobody forgets.

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StraightEdge Wrestling Federation

All Photos and likenesses belong to their respective owners, This is a fan site for a independent Wrestling Group. I am fully aware that the people represented on this website are real wrestlers and all respective rights go to them and the website that provides them.

SWF 2017.

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